Focus on what you CAN do

October 24, 2018

It’s time we change our mindset.

Rather than thinking of all the things you CAN’T do, focus on the things you CAN do.

I see this all the time in the gym.  I get a new client in for a consultation and they list through all the things they can’t do.  All the things they’ve been told repeatedly for the past few weeks, months, and sometimes years that they can’t do, they shouldn’t do, and they will never be able to do.

My focus over the past 12 months has been to improve our language and our mindsets around what they can and can’t do.  By the time my clients are done their first session, my goal is to show them that yes, there are injuries to overcome and pain symptoms to consider, but there are also A LOT of movements and exercises that they CAN do.  There are a lot of things that are working well, and a lot of things that we can start with and progress to.  Rather than focusing on everything they “can’t”, we focus on what they “can”.

Shifting the mindset of my clients has proven to be a huge success.  I can instantly see the hope in their eyes and the shift in their mood when they realise that are not a lost cause.  When they feel more confident, then we can progress and start to train them through their injuries. Their outcomes are much brighter with a better mindset and the confidence that I’ve helped instil in them.

Rather than focusing on everything they “can’t”, we focus on what they “can”

When I meet a client for the first time, quite often they feel pretty deflated, low confidence, and like there is no hope for them to get better.  They are doomed with a life full pain and restricted from doing the things they love. How would you feel if you were told not to run, nor play golf, or hold your grandkids? It can be a bit confronting, and really, they’ve usually been misinformed.  I’m not saying to go out and do the things you’ve been told not to, but explore your options and seek advice from someone who you connect with.  Someone who understands what is important to your health and happiness, and someone who will help you strive towards your goals.

As a practitioner, if we can shift that mindset by showing clients (you!) what they CAN do while we work on the other issues, the “Circle of Positive” action begins (I just made that up, but it sounds exciting doesn’t it?!).

The Circle of Positive Action… it is real!

Better posture. better life.

Want to learn more?  Contact Jo today and ask for ways you can get more involved.
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