weight loss


Why are we so ashamed of our bodies?

A few months ago I sent out an email to my subscribers asking them what topics they wanted to learn more about. I gave them a variety of options, such as sports conditioning, injury prevention, things they can do at home, fat loss, healthy lifestyle tips ... but 85% of the replies were "I want to lose weight" or "I want to get rid of my belly". Insert HUGE eye roll here. Why are we so conditioned to put so…

Focus on what you CAN do

It's time we change our mindset. Rather than thinking of all the things you CAN'T do, focus on the things you CAN do. I see this all the time in the gym.  I get a new client in for a consultation and they list through all the things they can't do.  All the things they've been told repeatedly for the past few weeks, months, and sometimes years that they can't do, they shouldn't do, and they will never be able…

Healthy Lifestyle Collaboration

keeping a healthy lifestyle can be challenging...  That's why this post is for you! I've collaborated with 9 other health and fitness enthusiasts to bring together a world of ideas on how you can stay fit and healthy, even through challenging times.   You can read back to my  previous post Top 3 Ways to De-Stress, and then read below for more ideas on a healthy diet and active living. Top Tips to have more energy   How to stay motivated…

Top 3 Ways to De-stress

Top 3 Ways to De-Stress: Physically & Mentally Following up from a previous post, Less is more part 2, we wanted to share with you our top 3 ways to help de-stress, relax, and refocus during hectic times in your world. Let's get straight into it.  I can get very overwhelmed, anxious, irritable, and emotional when I feel like I have too much to do and not enough time.   We all deal with stress differently, so by sharing what works for…

Creating Balance: Part 1

what does balance mean to you? I've been thinking a lot about "balance" and what it means to people these days, particularly my clients and all of you.  I've seen a lot of people get sick and run down because their lives have gotten so hectic they have forgotten to make sure they are taking care of themselves.  They've been going full steam ahead, with work, the gym, the kids, jam-packed weekends, weddings to attend, social events, work deadlines, and just TOO MANY THINGS!…