Get stronger. Move better.


Train from home in your own time at your pace when you join our members studio.




Full body circuits

Core & glutes

Stretch & release

Foam rolling / recovery



Exercise Physiologist

Pre & post natal

Form & technique

Pelvic floor

ONLY $37


That's it! $37 per month for unlimited access to everything & you can cancel anytime.

support & CONFIDENCE

If you're just starting out or an experienced fitness enthusiast.  Our sessions are structured so that everyone can participate.

Our goal is to help YOU gain the confidence to be able

Able to run after your kids, able to go on that hike without hesitation, and able to live life without physical fitness limitations.  We want you to hold your head up high and be confident in your own body.  Yes you can! 


What we don't focus on weight loss. We won’t encourage before and after photos or measurements or any other form of comparisons.  We won’t shame you for eating some chocolate, and we won’t make you do burpees in exchange for a glass of wine.  If you’re after a weight-loss “body transformation” program, we're sorry but this isn’t for you. That’s not to say you won’t lose some body fat or a couple kilos, as that is very possible when you make realistic and sustainable lifestyle choices, but that is not our focus.  Rather, we want to help empower you to take the right steps towards a healthier lifestyle through active living. We will help you build new habits and choose the right type of exercises to help you live a better life.



The mobility exercises and core workout have really helped my back issues ... working from home did a number on my back and adding these two programs in regularly has made a huge difference!

S - Age 37 

 Mom of 2, Vancouver


The convenience of doing a workout in your own time is a real winner I reckon! The  sessions are great for recovering from my hockey training and running once a week.

D, Age 55

Online Member, Perth


I'm so glad I signed up. I love being able to create my own schedule and choose the sessions based on what I feel like doing on the day. Having a video session suits me as I don't need to think about what I'm going to do beforehand. I just turn up and follow along!

Sarah K, Age 33

Mom, WFH, Melbourne

We're here to reclaim how you train

Train on your time, and in your space.  Whether that’s a quiet room in your house before everyone else wakes up, or in your lounge room with your roommate.  The convenience of your on-demand membership will give you one less stop on your way home, and more time to spend doing other things you love.  

Wake up feeling happy and energised with your new exercise routine!

With our online studio, you have the power to ensure your body is getting what it needs.  You can choose what workout your body is craving each day.  Do you need a milder workout, maybe something light impact?  If you did a full body workout yesterday, maybe a mobility session today.  If you are caring for a newborn, try one of our postnatal sessions or a stretch and release.  If you are ready to step things up a notch, try 3-4 sessions a week.  If not, stick to 1-2.  It’s up to you.

No Gym Required

From the privacy of your own home and no equipment necessary.  (Although we have some sessions with the option of a loop band or foam roller).

Safe Exercises

This is not just a generic fitness program. We are all about safe exercise selection and sequencing, as well as correct technique focusing on building you a solid foundation.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Unlimited Sessions

You choose how often you train, and which workouts you do.  And you'll never get bored as we'll be adding new sessions each week.  Our library is always growing!

Bonus Features

Bonus features such as Guest Instructors, Pilates, Recipes, Active Living Strategies, Healthy Habits and more!

It's important we listen to our bodies and give them the care and attention they deserve.”


I believe there is a gap in the health and fitness industry linking a healthy body  to one that is injured.  Just because you are injured, doesn’t mean you can’t train and remain active.  And just because you don’t have any current injuries or symptoms, doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk or that you are are invincible. 


Let's not focus on trying to make our bodies smaller, or thinner, or skinnier.  Because, honestly that doesn't equate to health or happiness.  I'm not here to help you set goals that are based around your body shape, the size of your clothes, or your "before" photos. I'm here to help you feel better, get stronger and fitter, and be more able.  I want to help you keep fit, stay active, and live a life with less physical limitations.  If you move better, you will feel better, and your confidence will shine through.  

I've worked 1-on-1 with clients for nearly 20 years, and all of their successes are built on them becoming physically capable to do the things they love: play with their kids, go skiing on the weekends, chase their grandkids, gardening, and travel with ease.  In no way do we base their successes on their weight loss, dress size or "after" photos.  Cause that would be just superficial and pretty shallow, don't you think?  To discount ourselves down to the way we look?


It can be daunting to get started when you don't know what to do, or how to do it.  Our members studio is perfect for all levels, and because you can do everything on your own time - you can follow along at your own pace.  You can choose easier workouts to begin with, and build up as you get better.

We've structured our workouts with specific warm-ups, deliberately planned sequencing, and just the right amount of intensity to deliver great quality workouts that leave you fatigued and worked, yet energised and feeling good!

The workouts are tailored to help increase mobility, get stronger, improve posture and alignment, and help prevent future injury. You might get some muscle soreness, but the overall intensity is meant to be adequate enough to get you results, but not leave you ruined for days.  We want you to enjoy the workouts and feel great!  Because if you feel great, you'll stick with it. 

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