Avoid the Holiday Bulge!

November 21, 2016

Have a healthy holiday season

The silly season is upon us, and for those of us in the fitness industry, this means the “calm before the storm”.  Personal trainers and fitness clubs can expect slower business during the last few weeks of the year before the busiest time of year directly after we ring in the new year.   Its unfortunate, but the fitness industry capitalizes on people getting fat over the holiday season and preys on their insecurities.

Don’t be a stat!

Every year we are victims of overindulging and under exercising as the holiday season kicks in.  It’s almost as if we train all year to look good for the holidays, only to blow it all out the window in less than 4 weeks.  Then we spend all year trying to take off those extra pounds, only to put them back on again ….
During these festive weeks I hear it all:  I didn’t have time,  I had work drinks, I had a friend’s party, the food was so good I couldn’t resist, I didn’t have time, I couldn’t say no, I didn’t have time, I was hungover …..
Ask yourself this:  How will you feel if you gain 5kg over the holiday festivities and start the new year fatter and lazier than ever?

Follow These Tips to Avoid the Holiday Bulge

1.  MAKE Time for Exercise.
The #1 excuse people have to miss their workouts is lack of time.  I call B*LLSH*T.  We always have time, we just need to prioritize it.  December can be a busy month, so make sure to look at your calendar ahead of time and prioritize your gym sessions, runs, walks, or whatever activities you usually part take in.   You’ll feel better if you keep up your routine, especially if you might be enjoying a heavier meal or a few extra drinks.
2. Suggest An Activity with Friends/Family.
 If you have a gathering planned, suggest something that requires a little activity.  Depending on where you live, perhaps a family walk before dinner or a round of bocce ball in the backyard.  Suggest a walk or hike with friends before your annual Christmas breakfast.  It’s likely that everyone will be feeling a little sluggish and lazy during the holiday period so you’d be surprised how many people would love this idea.  Rather than a boozy lunch, as fun as they are, suggest something healthier without booze.  Or plan the boozy lunch for another time of year (when you don’t have 5 boozy lunches in one week! Spread it out).  An active catch-up will probably lift everyone’s spirits and create a bit of laughter and some fun memories.  Aussies might try to organize beach cricket or a picnic, while Canadians could go snowshoeing or for a walk through a snowy neighbourhood to see all the Christmas lights.
3. Avoid Over-Eating.
It is so easy to eat too much at parties, dinners, and functions – especially when the food is really good!  One thing you can do is, once again, is plan ahead.  If you know there will be lots of food at a party, try to eat less throughout the day, and to make wise food choices with lower calories and higher vitamins and minerals (nutrient dense foods).  When you are at a party, keep your eating to a minimum.  Stay away from the food tables to keep temptations at bay.  If you are hungry, grab a small plate and make wise choices, such as higher protein and less sugary foods, and keep portions small.  How many times have you left a party feeling too full, bloated, and gassy?  Have you ever had to unzip your pants in the taxi?  Not a good look.
4. Alcohol.  
I am not here to preach that booze is bad and we shouldn’t drink.  But… I sort of am!  In all honesty, booze will pack extra pounds around our waistlines and help us make poor food choices.  If you add up all your functions over the month of December, that’s a lot of extra booze!  My tip?  Limit your alcoholic drinks for the evening and make wiser choices when possible.  If I can avoid having a few wines at a function, I will.  If there’s an event where I know I will be enjoying a few drinks, such as a friend’s annual party that is loads of fun, then I’ll make that my priority event to enjoy a few drinks and try to stay sober for the days surrounding this event.  I’ll also plan a workout that day and some light exercise for the day after,…something I can do with a little hangover.   Another tip: DRINK WATER.  Drink plenty of water throughout the day and when you get home.  At a party, alternate your alcoholic beverages with a glass of water (sometimes I sneak into the washroom and refill my drink cup with water).  Not only will it help hydrate you, it will help keep your belly full.
 have a healthy holiday season
5.  Maintaining is Better Than Regressing.  
Exercising and getting to the gym over the holidays can become stressful with all the other things going on.  One thing to remember is that maintaining your current fitness levels and body composition is easier than trying to improve your fitness levels during this time of year.  You may not see huge improvements or smash your PB’s, but maintaining what you have is PRICELESS compared to starting the new year worse off than before.   Try your best to stay active and make smart food choices as often as possible.
6. Its All About Balance.
Of course you don’t want to miss out on any of the great food and fun festivities that the holidays bring, therefore …. It’s All About Balance.  The holidays can be busy, hectic, stressful, and a lot of fun all at the same time.  Enjoy yourself.  But remember, you don’t want to wake up on January 2 and feel like crap with an extra 5 kilos around your waist.

better posture.  better life.



More about jozervas@gmail.com

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